As I've started to get into blogging, I've done a few posts here and there that are about me and things I enjoy and I'd like to start doing more of that. So I thought I'd try something new and set aside one post a week to write about what my life is like now that I am a mom. Naturally, b/c I am a huge fan of alliteration (Favorite Foto Friday), I had to call it Mom Mondays.
For my 1st Mom Monday, I thought I'd talk about how much my style has changed since becoming a SAHM (stay-at-home mom). In my pre-baby days, I'd see those really "mom" looking moms, you know the ones w/messy, unwashed hair, dark circles under their eyes, sweatpants & mismatched socks, and I'd think to myself "I'm never going to look like that!". Of course, I knew I'd be trading in my classic black wrap dresses and gray wide leg trousers for something more casual, but surely a nice cashmere sweater and darkwash jeans would be appropriate. I did consider the fact that I may not have 30 mins each morning to devote to showering and hair drying, but I simply reasoned I would shower and dry my hair every night instead. As far as the dark circles, I knew those could be a problem, but w/a good concealer, no one aside from Chris, our child and the occassional overnight guest needed to know about them.
Well, let me tell you that I sit here typing this wearing black yoga pants & a brown hoodie. My hair was last washed Sunday morning and the unruly strands that are the result of allowing it to air dry are being held in place w/bobby pins. Putting on makeup never even occurred to me. My socks do match, but the right one has a hole in the bottom.
How did this happen, you ask? Sometimes I wonder that myself. I can tell you one day I looked in the mirror and was shocked to find a mom looking back at me...I guess it all sort of happened in bits, so that I didn't really notice it at all.
First, I traded this:

for this, because you can barely fit a diaper - let alone wipes, a sippy cup, blanket, can of Puffs, hand sanitizer and random stroller toys - in a designer clutch.

And then my trademark 3 inch heels (necessary to bring me to 5' 3'') were replaced

With shoes I could actually carry a baby in w/o causing permanent damage to my lower back.

Then, after my favorite pair of jeans met their demise as the result of excessive washing to remove formula & other unpleasant stains
I realized that less-expensive yoga pants not only hold up better in the wash but are ideal for crawling around on the floor.
And that's how, without realizing it, I became the Mom who just may find Stacy & Clinton from What Not To Wear hiding around the next corner. The surprising part is, that I'm happy being that person. Of course there are days when I feel tired and messy and convinced my hair will forever smell like spit-up, but I know these days of practical shoes and diaper bags will be over in a heartbeat. So for the most part, I don't really give my appearance too much thought. I guess I'm too busy being a mom to worry about looking like one.

What a great post. Right there with you.....
Oh my... you just pointed out that I'm one of "those moms."
I agree with you, it really doesn't matter what I wear or how my hair is styled... what does matter is that I spend time with my child 'cause he isn't going to want me to play Go Fish with him for too many more years!
I can totally relate to the yoga pants and wore them all the time when I was home with Doyle. Once I returned to work did I start wearing my suits and heels again. To save time I also shower and do my hair at night.
As I sit here in my plaid pajama pants and striped hoodie, I am laughing with you!!! I too had plans to be a stylish mom, but somehow it just doesn't matter when you see those little faces looking back at you.
You are so adorable, Kristen! I love your humor and your realistic attitude about motherhood!
I'm off to run errands with my clutch and my heels.......but boy, I can't wait to trade those in in a few months! :-)
LOVE your post!
i'm with rachel. . . i can't wait to trade "up" for the comfy things to be crawling around on the floor and taking lots of walks!
I still think you are a very stylish mom! True, I have noticed an increase in your yoga pant routine, but your coats and jackets are still my favorite! :)
Hilarious!!! You should write for NBC...seriously. I can't wait to be a mom. love,
On days when I don't work, I am all about the comfy and casual look - no make-up, slip on tennis shoes (who has time to tie shoes?), and tee shirts.
For the days that I work, I have often told Tom that I would seriously take a cut in pay if I could just wear jeans and yoga pants to work everyday. I hate dressing up!!!
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