Thursday, November 25, 2010

The End

When I started this blog two and half years ago, I really had no idea what I was doing. I could barely upload pictures, let alone apply cool backgrounds or import videos. My goals were to find a way to keep family and friends up-to-date on our second adoption and to use this blog as virtual scrapbook, hoping to preserve all the moments I knew I'd never document in a photo album or baby book.

A lot has changed since my first post. We've brought Aidan home and learned to balance the needs of two children with our own. A little thing Chris still likes to call "The Facebook" took off, allowing us more control over who sees the kids' pictures and stories online. Blogging for me has become less of a scrapbook and more of a place to share my experiences as a parent and connect with an amazing online community of mothers I otherwise wouldn't have met.

So today, as we celebrate Aidan's 2nd Family Day, it seems like an appropriate time to write my last post on Creating Our Family. I'll be posting pictures and everyday happenings on Facebook, so follow us there if seeing pictures of the boys is the highlight of your week :) In addition, I will still be blogging over at the blog I started this summer, I Spy A Family. I've so enjoyed sharing a little bit of our lives with you and hope you will all continue to follow along on my other blog.

And since I believe every one of life's milestones should end with a slide show, I leave you with this:

Friday, November 12, 2010


I'm sure our stuffed animals will be less concerned about being tossed down the stairs now that we have a firefighter and an EMT on site.

Monday, November 1, 2010


On the way to school this morning, Aidan and I were talking about how much fun we had yesterday trick or treating....

Aidan: 'Member you let us eat candy while we walking?
Me: I remember, that was a special treat.
Aidan: What that candy we eat outside called?
Me: Kit Kats
Aidan: Oooohhhh, Kitty Cats!!! That my best treat ever!

***pause, while angry look spreads across Aidan's face***

Aidan: Hey - why you never give us Kitty Cats before?????