Monday, November 1, 2010


On the way to school this morning, Aidan and I were talking about how much fun we had yesterday trick or treating....

Aidan: 'Member you let us eat candy while we walking?
Me: I remember, that was a special treat.
Aidan: What that candy we eat outside called?
Me: Kit Kats
Aidan: Oooohhhh, Kitty Cats!!! That my best treat ever!

***pause, while angry look spreads across Aidan's face***

Aidan: Hey - why you never give us Kitty Cats before?????


Kara said...


And I love the pictures of the kids in their costumes. How fun!

Elizabeth Frick said...

Oh no! Don't eat the kitty cats! ;)

Christine @ 12,450miles said...

This has me cracking up!