Thursday, November 20, 2008

FFF - Inside Games

Now that winter is upon us, we've had to give up our much-loved outdoor activities and find new ways to amuse ourselves during the L-O-N-G winter ahead. Here's what we've come up w/so far:

"Sink Glasses (pronounced ink glashes)" - Sitting in the sink, smiling at ourselves, wearing sunglasses
"Sink Glasses - No (pronounced ink glashes NO)" - Sitting in the sink, smiling at ourselves, not wearing sunglasses

"Animal Car (pronounced aminamal car)" - Squeezing all of Andy's stuffed animals into his car

Animal Car Storytime (pronounced aminamal car book) - Squeezing all of Andy's stuffed animals into his car and then reading them a story

I really need to dig out my "101 Games to Play w/Toddlers" ASAP or we're not going to make it 'til spring :)


Jen said...

I'm writting these games down. Pretty soon I'm going to be desperate for some new games here too! I have got to get us a play room!

Anonymous said...

He's too adorable!!! Love the jammies!

Rach@In His Hands said...

So cute! What a sweet smile he has!