Oh Halloween, such a confusing day. On the one hand, how can you not love a day when its socially acceptable to wear a kangeroo costume everywhere you go? On the other, my mom is already taking pictures of me and I am not even dressed yet. I am sensing its going to be one of those days where every 5 seconds that woman is screaming "Andy! Andy! Look at me! Andy - Smile! Andy - Say Cheese!". Well Mother, I REFUSE to smile, so you can just put that camera away and get to work on getting me in this costume...we're due at Papa & Daddy's office in 20 minutes and I don't want to get there after Addy. I hear she's going to be a lady bug and I don't want her arriving 1st and stealing my thunder.

Not kidding about the smiling thing, Mommy Dearest. If you keep this up, you're going to have an entire day's worth of pictures of me looking miserable. How will that look in your precious photo album???

I'm not smiling at you Mom, its just Papa deserves it for spinning me & Addy so fast in his chair. Besides, I'm sure that 5 year old camera can't capture my grin while we're moving, so HAHA.

Seriously Mother. Camera. Down. Now.
OOOHHHH, Josie the dog is dressed like a bee!!! Okay, temporary truce on the whole picture thing...get one of me giving her a kiss!
Not so fast, the temporary truce applied only to pictures of me w/Josie. You already have enough pictures of me w/Will, I refuse to pose for another.

Fine. I will smile...but you never said anything about keeping my eyes open.

Just so you know, this is not a voluntary smile...I'd like to see you try to keep a straight face when you're jacked up on sugar.

You are so hilarious!!!!! You should write sitcom scripts for NBC..not kidding!
I'll teach you Photoshop and then you can just draw a smile on Andy whenever he doesn't cooperate. :)
Cutest marsupial kid I ever saw though, seriously!
Hysterical! Love your posts
We know the feeling. Sofia and Andy have something in common. Crazy moms with camera's.
He is so cute! Looks like you had a great Halloween!
Tooo cute!!
Very cute!
Reminds me of Andy's grandma Eloise, and her camera --No child ever had more photos taken of him than Christopher, and we aunties and uncles loved getting them!!!..... and HER dad, Papa Jack with his camera-well, he was something else, but we always knew what year it was because the date was in the Christmas tree! So Andy will be sure to become the next "Most photographed kid" ...and he is such a cutie pie!
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