Thursday, April 15, 2010

Breaking the Ice

Dear Blog,

Gosh, its been so long since we've talked. I hope you know I feel really badly about that and I never meant for this to happen. Its just that things were so hectic when we were replacing the floors. Then as soon as they were finished, we put the house on the the market and suddenly six weeks later we were moving. After that, we got sucked into the craziness of the holidays. By the time I was able to catch my breathe, I really wanted to get back to you, but by that point it had been so long that it had become all awkward.

Its not like I haven't been thinking about you though. Remember how excited we were the 1st time I successfully posted a video? And how about that time I thought I'd lost an entire post after hours of work, but you had remembered to auto-save it for me? We've had so many good times together. Let's just move passed this unfortunate incident and get back to the way things used to be.



JoJo said...


Jen said...

You have such a great relationship with your blog! I'm sure blog will forgive your absence with no hurt feelings.

Celeste and Tom said...

Great to see you are back!

Anonymous said...

C&K: When I come back to my Wii after a long absence, my avatar just looks at me and shakes his head...but then all is well! Lif is Good :-)


Anonymous said...

thank god you're back! I was getting really sick of reading "traveling circus"!


Kara said...

Yeah!!! I didn't know you were back on. So good to see you back here:).