Friday, April 23, 2010

Favorite Foto Friday - Revolt!

I don't care for the way they are looking at me. I feel they may be plotting to overthrow current household leadership. I'd better start reinforcing my pillow fort.


Elizabeth Frick said...

Yikes. If looks could hurt...

JoJo said...

I can't believe how big Aidan has gotten! Look what happens when mom takes time off from blogging for a few months!

Anonymous said...

you should write for SNL. Your caption totally captures EXACTLY what they are thinking! leslie

Kara said...

Uh oh! I'd watch out if I were you. You never know what is going on inside those heads of theirs!

Cori said...

This picture is awesome and scary!

Anonymous said...

you know they are just the soldiers for gracie.

IP Journey said...

Your boys are adorable Kristin! I just found your blog. =)