To conserve water, Aidan recommends drinking your own bath water. Don't worry, it tastes a little soapy, but the bubbles mean its germ-free.
Andy routinely eats crumbs off the floor so no food goes to waste.
Save a tree - color on the walls like Aidan does!
Speaking of saving trees, Andy recently shared some great advice to limit excessive Kleenex use: "I don't need a tissue b/c my tongue comes out like a snake and then the boogers are gone."
If the above paper-savers don't appeal to you, try saving a sheet by putting stickers on your pajamas instead of a notebook.

They are they cutest brothers ever!!! leslie
LOL! Boys!!
Um... this list is HILARIOUS. Particularly the Kleenex conservation. Hoot!
Kristen, thanks for the laughs...that was great!!!
Such little conservationists you have!
They are Planetpals for sure! :)
Wishes you a Happy Earthday Birthday!
Tree Huggers! Won't they be disappointed to know their father is one day going to run a printing company! :) You sure they aren't democrats?
Love the photo. Doyle saves the earth by insisting on keeping his diaper on for long lengths of time!!
LOVE Andy's thoughts for saving tissues!!
THis is hilarious!
Thanks for being PlanetPals!
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