Thursday, February 19, 2009


So I missed Favorite Foto Friday last week and I'm going to be late w/it this week. The last two weekends have been very busy ones - Aidan's birthday party, a 10 day visit from Mimi (Chris's mom), my 1st ever trip away from home (bachelorette party in FL) and not one but two trips to Brookfield Zoo! As a result, I am worn out and have been too lazy to get all our pictures together. This weather is not helping either - all I want to do is curl up w/a blanket and take a nap or stare at mindless television. Hopefully this weekend I will find the motivation to post the pictures from all the fun we've had lately, but then again I have missed last week's US Weekly & now have two to get through, so between that & the Oscars I don't know if I can squeeze it in.


Rach@In His Hands said...

You've been busy!

Ha! I totally giggled at the US Weekly line....

Celeste and Tom said...

I totally understand about posting lags. When I went back to work in January it was very stressful & hard to post. It is getting a little easier now. I hope the "Sleep Fairy" has visited so your boys are napping well!! cw