I'll admit, I didn't have time yesterday to watch any of the actual awards show - why sit through 4 hours of filler when the best parts will be on youtube??? Besides, everyone knows the most important part of the Oscars is the fashion. Here's my thoughts on who were the best and worst dressed ladies (I don't bother w/the men, no matter what they are wearing Brad always looks the best anyway).
Best DressedAnn Hathaway - Everyone knows the best way to get back at an ex is by looking fabulous - you go girl!!!

Natalie Portman - So glad to see someone decided to wear some color in a sea of otherwise neutral dresses. You looked exactly like a glamorous movie star should on the most important night in Hollywood.
Worst DressedBeyonce - You know, I want to like you b/c you are one of the few stars w/some curves, but really, what are you wearing???? Just once I would like to see you show up on a red carpet in an actual gown instead of some crazy costume.

Sarah Jessica Parker - Oh SJP, what happened???? I usually love your style, even when its a little bit out there, but this is just too much! Women over 40 just cannot wear ballgowns - not even you sweetie, especially if the top is fashioned after Wonder Woman's outfit. Let's just pretend this never happened - still friends?

Last night's fashion hits and misses got me thinking of some of my own fashion mistakes and just to show I'm can "dish it out and take it", here's some of my less-than-stellar fashion moments. FYI - all these pictures were taken in the last 5 years, I didn't take the easy way out and pull out some pictures from middle school in which I fell victim to some unfortunate trends from the early 90s.
Bad Choice #1 - I know the outfit isn't
horrible, though I'm not quite sure why I spent an entire vacation day in San Fransisco wearing a just okay outfit when I could've been wearing something cute and vacation-y. I could get passed that mistake if I hadn't put PIG TAILS in my hair and added a Kate Spade bag...Kate does not belong w/pig tails and a sweatshirt. I hope no one at KS finds out about this or I may be banned from purchasing any more of their products.

Bad Choice #2 - Not sure which one I am - just look for my bright pink pants. I know this was a tropical themed party, but there is no excuse for wearing pants in that color. I wish I could say I only wore them b/c of the party theme, but sadly I used to wear them into work as well. Work friends - why didn't you have an intervention?

Bad Choice #3 - You'd think for a beach vacation I could've splurged on a cute coverup instead of wearing cotton shorts that I sometimes used as pajamas. And there's those PIG TAILS again...I obviously have some sort of "I wish I was 6 years old" issue. I should probably address that w/a therapist.

And last but not least...
Bad Choice #4 - I don't even know what to say about this. I wish I could tell you I was kidding.
Natalie Portman was my best dressed last night...so glad you included her.
Love the bad choices from the past few years and NOT taking the easy way out. I'm sure it was cathartic.
Sorry, but I love the pink pants.
I blogged about the Oscars today too! LOVED Ann Hathaway...she's always one of my favs.
You are too funny...I have a ton of those "Oh no, what was I thinking" moments, too! :-)
thanks for the laugh today! you are so brave to post your "what was i thinking pics"!!!
Thanks for the photos. I missed all of last night's Oscars. Oh, and the photos... I think I know you better now! I have so many of these "What Not to Wear" photos around that I could wallpaper a room with them.
Hey Kristen... Cyndi Lauper just called and she wants her pink pants back (ok, she was the only person I can think of that might wear them). Those pictures are hilarious. :P
I didn't think I cared about the Oscars last night (boring!), but I ended up watching about 2 hours' worth and I thought they were really good. Much better than the past few years I thought. Ann Hathaway... love her!
I loved this entry!!!! I disagree about SJP...I loved that dress!! But then again, I wore a wedding dress to senior prom! I too own a pair of hot pink pants, and I still wear them...i think we both look cute in them;-)
OK, I seriously don't think that your "bad choices" were that bad! I guess that speaks volumes about me and my eye for all things fashion.
You are so funny! I suppose I need to shelve my pink pants too? And I loved your best dressed, and I have to agree about Beyonce!
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