Thursday, August 28, 2008

FFF - Summer in Review

Hard to believe, but Labor Day weekend is here and another summer is coming to an end. As a farewell to great summer, I thought I'd post pictures from all the good times we've had this season.

Afternoons at the Splash Pad
Playing in Papa & Grammy's old backyard
Playing in Papa & Grammy's new backyard
Addison's 1st Birthday
Watching fireworks on the Fourth of July Aidan's Referral Andy's Family Day Riding the train at Blackberry FarmPost fingerpainting
California Trip
Enjoying the outdoors
Petting goats at Brookfield Zoo
First Boating Lesson

Bye Summer, see you next year!


Kara said...

What a great collage. Looks like you had such a fun summer!

Kara (yahoo group)

Jen said...

It looks like a wonderful summer! Now you get to look forward to all that Autumn brings... pumpkins, leaves, cooler temperatures!!!