Monday, August 30, 2010

First Day of School

Well, I won't say that either one of us was jumping for joy, but we made it through the first drop off of the year without any tears.

There was a moment, right before we said good-bye, when both of us were blinking back tears, but since Andy managed to be brave, so was I.

The real test, of course, will be how he feels about going back tomorrow. I'm hopeful we can get through this school year without any tearful good-byes.

Though watching him walk away with his lunch bag in tow really pulls at my heart strings, so I can't make any promises.


Christine said...

I've been thinking about how hard that day will be with Joel...glad to hear yours wasn't too rough. Andy does look like such a big boy with his little backpack! I hope tomorrow is okay, too. :)

Elizabeth Frick said...

Oh man... I'm NOT looking forward to that day. Good luck to both of you!

Cori said...

Oh Man. I cannot fathom how I will hold it together when I watch Seth and his little backpack walk away from me.

Hope tomorrow is as good as today.

Birdie said...

He looks SO BIG with his back pack. And is that the school in the backgroud? A little red school house? You showed great strength today, and I'm referring to both of you :) Here's to more tearless mornings.

IP Journey said...

That first day of school is tough! I remember for me and Anna I think I had the harder of the too...went to my car and cried after I had dropped her off. He looks like such a big boy!