Thursday, January 15, 2009

A little different Friday Post

I know today is usually the day you can count on some cute pictures and a fun story or two about what the kids have been up, but a few things have happened this week, so I'm going to do post something a little different today.

First, our computer crashed a few days ago...luckily, Chris can bring his work laptop home or I'd be completely out of touch. Also, Chris is one of those responsible types who backs up our hard drive every few months, so the vast majority of our pictures, music and lists can be restored. Unfortunately since this is a company computer, we don't want to upload any camera stuff on it, so no pictures this week.

Instead of Favorite Foto Friday, I thought I'd post Favorite Moment Friday. This week's favorite moment happened at lunch today. Andy was eating strawberries and cheerios and I was feeding Aidan strawberries & vanilla pudding. I realized in my rush to get lunch on the table I left the strawberry container on the kitchen counter & I heard our cats trying to get it open. I went into the kitchen, shooed away the cats & put the strawberries back into the fridge and then the phone rang so I grabbed it from the other room before heading back into the dining room. During this time, Aidan is of course yelling "More! More!" b/c he can't feed himself the pudding. I go back into the dining room to find that Andy had left his chair, crawled into one next to Aidan and was attempting to feed Aidan more pudding though most of it falling off the spoon onto Aidan's shirt. When he hears me walk in, Andy turns to me and in the sweetest voice, w/the biggest smile on his face, says "Mama, I help Aidan!".

So, in addition to our computer crashing, that was my memorable moment for the week. The other thing I have been meaning to post this week is a prayer request for a family we have come in contact with on our Guatemalan adoption blogs. They have several children, one of whom is 4 year old Abby who they adopted from Guatemala. This summer when Abby was 3 1/2, she was diagnosed with lukemia and because of a genetic disorder, her chances of surviving are about 20%. Abby has entered the most serious round of her treatment this week and it is very possible she will not survive it. Of course as a mother, any story of a child battling a terminal illness is heartbreaking. What has really touched me about this family is the unbelievable amount of faith they have in facing the very real possibility of losing their child. Rather than being angry w/God and wondering "Why our family? Why Abby?", they instead are focused on making the most of Abby's time here, on supporting her through treatments and for praying for the strength to accept God's will. In one post they write that they know regardless of the outcome, this is a win-win for Abby; either she will be blessed w/a long life w/a family who loves her or she will be at peace w/God. Honestly, that amount of faith and trust in God in the face of such a devastating ordeal just amazes me. Please pray for Abby and if you have time, visit her family's blog I promise this family will truly inspire you.

1 comment:

Kathy and Pat said...

Andy is such a loving kid... he must think you're a pretty great mom and Aidan's a pretty great brother to want to be so helpful. :)

That's a sad story about Abby, but it sounds like she is quite a fighter. It's amazing how strong the family's faith is even in such trying times (a good example for us all)!