Dear Sleep Fairy,
I am writing you today to kindly request (okay, beg) that you give my children their naps back. For 2 weeks I have had two excellent nappers and suddenly we have had two days of no naps. I have not changed their sleeping arrangements, naptime routine or even the thermostat, so that leads me to believe that we have somehow fallen out of favor with you. If we have offended you in any way or if we have taken you for granted, I offer my sincerest of apologies. Please do not make me go through an entire week of being home alone w/two sleep deprived little boys who can't even leave the house b/c its so cold out (I realize you can't help the weather, I'll be taking that up w/Mother Nature next).
Yours Truly,
PS. Even if we can't have naps back, can you at least make sure the children continue to sleep through the night? That is the only thing keeping us sane. Thank you.
:-) Hoping the Sleep Fairy is listening!
I will send your request to the sleeping Fairy also... Hoping she/he is listening.....
We might need the sleep fairy as well, Doyle has not been taking naps and wakes up a couple of times in the night. I hope the sleep fairy visits both of us soon!
If things work out with the sleep fairy, will you PLEASE try your hand with Mother Nature? Please? :)
Poor you!!! Why don't you give them a sip of NyQuil after lunch;-)
Naptime is my favorite time of the day, so I hope that you get your naptime back.
Lately when DS has missed his nap he has had to close his eyes at 7:00... which makes for a very late night trying to get him to bed!
Keep us posted as to if Sleep Fairy responds favorly!
Uh oh! They must just love being around each other too much to waste any time sleeping!
There's a Sleep Fairy!?! I wish I had known about this sooner! Will send for her at once.
Amen sister!
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