You know how last week in my first post I said we expected to receive a referral in late fall or early winter...well, The Call came early!
Yesterday our social worker called me at home to tell me DCFS had approved our homestudy and we had been matched with a baby! Although we are completely shocked things are moving so quickly, we are absolutely thrilled. We went to our social worker's office late yesterday afternoon to go over all the referral information and are happy to announce that we are the proud parents of a baby boy whom we will name Aidan Lee Gorski.
Aidan was born Jan. 25, 2008 and is 5 1/2 months old. He weighs 15 lbs and is doing great. He lives with his foster family in Seoul and has been with them since he was 3 weeks old. We feel so fortunate to know he is being loved and cared for by a family during our wait. We currently expect to have him home between November & January and pray the process goes quickly because we are so excited to have him here. We cannot believe that just two years ago, we didn't know when or even if we'd ever be parents and now we are lucky enough to have not one but two little boys...and if you haven't done the math yet, they are 15 months apart, so they will definitely keep us busy!
Chris will be scanning the photos later today. We'll post them in a bit, which actually works out perfectly since I plan to do a weekly post called "Favorite Foto Friday" - what a great 1st entry!