Andy started asking for a blue fish after seeing his cousin's over Easter, so against my better judgment, I somehow found myself in Petland two weeks ago spending $11.95 on bowl, food, rocks, fake tree and blue beta fish. The fact that the fish and all his accessories cost less than our standard Pizza Hut order probably should have been my 1st clue that I'd either be presiding over multiple fish funerals or repeatedly sneaking off to Petland in the middle of night for replacements...
So, we bring the blue fish home and Andy is super excited about it until he realizes he's not going to actually get to hold him. Luckily after only 15 mins of repeatedly sobbing "pweeze hold it! pweeze hold it!" I was able to convince him that the fish would be able to feel it if Andy "pet" the bowl. I then spent 20 mins reading all the instructions that came w/the fish bowl about water temperature, bowl cleaning techniques and the importance of not overfeeding beta fish b/c I don't think I have done anything to Andy yet that he will need therapy for as an adult and I don't want killing his first fish to be #1 on the list. After safely transferring the fish to his new home, ensuring the temperature was indeed over 70 but less than 80 degrees and supervising the 1st feeding, I decided the fish would probably make it through the day and that we should name him. Andy promptly announced his name would be "Goldfish" (I think I'm going to enjoy this kid's sense of humor).
So, we bring the blue fish home and Andy is super excited about it until he realizes he's not going to actually get to hold him. Luckily after only 15 mins of repeatedly sobbing "pweeze hold it! pweeze hold it!" I was able to convince him that the fish would be able to feel it if Andy "pet" the bowl. I then spent 20 mins reading all the instructions that came w/the fish bowl about water temperature, bowl cleaning techniques and the importance of not overfeeding beta fish b/c I don't think I have done anything to Andy yet that he will need therapy for as an adult and I don't want killing his first fish to be #1 on the list. After safely transferring the fish to his new home, ensuring the temperature was indeed over 70 but less than 80 degrees and supervising the 1st feeding, I decided the fish would probably make it through the day and that we should name him. Andy promptly announced his name would be "Goldfish" (I think I'm going to enjoy this kid's sense of humor).
All was going well until our cats jumped up onto the table to investigate and I suddenly remembered that all their favorite foods are fish-flavored.
By the time I arrived at the scene of the crime, Chris had done most of the clean-up and I was spared from seeing what was left of poor Goldfish. I know many parents use the death of a pet as way to teach kids about the circle of life and all that, but I honestly just did not have the heart to tell Andy that his two favorite feline friends ate his 1st pet for dinner. Instead, I told Andy Daddy took the fish to work w/him the next morning and at lunch Chris ran into Petland and purchased Goldfish #2. I wonder how many "Goldfish" we will go through before we give up the whole "Take Your Fish to Work Day" and tell Andy Goldfish went to swim in that Big Bowl in the Sky. Since just the other day I told him the dead bees one of the cats had squished and left on the windowsill were "sleeping", I'm hoping Petland starts a "buy 10 blue betas, get the 11th free" promotion sometime in the near future.
Ah what fun... and I had been thinking about getting a family fish pet. Maybe I'll hold off a bit ;)
I feel bad, but I was laughing out loud at this post. Best laid plans I guess! Good luck keeping Goldfish II away from your furry friends!
You gave me the best laugh. What we won't do to safeguard their little hearts. Keep up the good work, and keep the humor in your heart, it helps you through the worst of times.
I love that you have a plan for the future. I hope that you don't have to continue to use the Fish went to work with Daddy. Always love reading your blog
Too Funny!!
ahhhh....the cats. We have 3. I'll think about your story when we inevitably get our first fish.
"Take Your Fish to Work Day" - LMBO!! Here's to very few days like that. ;)
Poor goldfish:-( You are such a great writer...I wish you had a published novel, I would buy it in an instant! leslie
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