Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I Know Who Does Not Need a Thesaurus this Christmas

Of his 40 word vocabulary, 4 of Aidan's words consist of different ways to say no:

The traditional method: NNNOOOOOO

The casual method: Nope

The "Well, if you're giving me the option..." method: Not (example: "Do you want to go to sleep or not?")

And my personal favorite, The "I choose door #2" method: Nober (as in "another", i.e. come up w/something better if you want me to cooperate Mother)

Additionally, he will also growl at me like a small but fierce lion when none of the above result in him getting his way.

With any other kid, all this might come off as stubborn and willful, but he is just so darn adorable that its rather endearing. Future teachers - consider this your warning! This kid and his oh-so-sweet dimples are going to find a way around all your rules while somehow managing to have you laughing along w/him.


The Gronewold Family said...

Okay - your blog made me laugh so hard today! Isn't it funny how many ways they can say the exact same thing? I think we would be more shocked if they would actually say yes!!!

So cute.

Kara said...

That is awesome! I can just picture it:).