I remember trying not to stare the night that I first met you
You had me mesmorized
And 3 weeks later, in the front porch light
taking forty-five minutes to kiss goodnight
I hadn't told you yet
but I thought I loved you then
I never thought the random cute boy I met at an over-crowded dorm party freshman year would turn out to be my husband. Thinking back on that night, its not that it was “love at first sight”. I wasn’t overcome with the feeling that Fate had brought us together. It was just that I really, really liked you. And as we got to know each other – over more noisy parties and many late night walks around campus – the more I liked you. By the time we started dating a few months later, I was completely head over heels…
I can’t believe that was 12 years ago! Our 4 years at Notre Dame were definitely some of our best times. Every once in awhile I flip through our photo albums from those days and remember the friendships and the parties and the study sessions and I feel so lucky that we share all those memories. I can’t wait until the kids are older and we can bore them with stories from our “Glory Days”…
The dances

And i remember, taking you back to right where I first met you,
You were so surprised
There were people around, but I didn't care
Got down on one knee right there once again,
I thought I loved you then
I will never forget that freezing cold night you took me out to dinner and then dragged me outside to our bench in front of the library, the one we used to sit on and talk for hours. I will never forget how peaceful campus looked covered in snow or how when you got down on one knee I thought you’d slipped and fallen on the ice. I will never forget how Leslie and Lily screamed and cried when we told them or how your roommates toasted us w/champagne poured into coffee cups and cereal bowls. Most of all, I will never forget how excited I was to begin our life together as husband and wife.
We've come so far since that day
And I thought I loved you then
It is truly unbelievable to me that we were married 7 years ago today.

And I thought I loved you then
It is truly unbelievable to me that we were married 7 years ago today.

When people ask me if I ever regret getting married so young, I always say that I’m so glad we got married at 23. I love that we truly began our lives together…starting our 1st real jobs, living in our tiny city apartment w/no air conditioning and no dish washer, deciding we’d had enough of city life and buying our 1st house…it was exciting and overwhelming and so much better b/c we did it together.
Those 1st few years were not always easy. There were the disagreements that are envitable as two people learn to juggle each other’s families and jobs and holiday traditions. There were long days in the office when we barely had time to squeeze in a phone call saying “don’t wait up…”. There were the heartbreaking moments of infertility treatments and a miscarriage. Definitely not always easy; but those struggles made us stronger and made the good times all that much sweeter…
There was the excitement of our 1st Christmas together.
There was the excitement of our 1st Christmas together.
There was the amazing Carribbean cruise paid for by all those late nights in the office.
There was the excitement of deciding to adopt and the life-changing moment we held Andy for the 1st time.
There was the joy of bringing Aidan home and becoming a family of four.
now you're my whole life
now you're my whole world
I just can't believe the way I feel about you
We'll look back someday, at this moment that we're in
And I'll look at you and say
And I thought I loved you then
Life still isn’t easy. We still have to juggle work and families and busy schedules. There are errands to run, bills to pay and messes to clean. There is too little sleep and too many dirty diapers. Definitely not easy; but I can honestly say, there’s no one else I’d rather share this chaos with than you. We’ve gone from college kids to newlyweds to suburbanites to “Mom & Dad” together and I feel so lucky you have been the person standing beside me through it all.
And I could just see you, when your hair is turning gray
What I can't see is how I'm ever gonna love you more
But I've said that before
My greatest hope is that 50 years from now, you are still the person standing beside me. What more can I ask for from life than the blessing of getting to share it all with you?

now you're my whole world
I just can't believe the way I feel about you
We'll look back someday, at this moment that we're in
And I'll look at you and say
And I thought I loved you then
Life still isn’t easy. We still have to juggle work and families and busy schedules. There are errands to run, bills to pay and messes to clean. There is too little sleep and too many dirty diapers. Definitely not easy; but I can honestly say, there’s no one else I’d rather share this chaos with than you. We’ve gone from college kids to newlyweds to suburbanites to “Mom & Dad” together and I feel so lucky you have been the person standing beside me through it all.
And I could just see you, when your hair is turning gray
What I can't see is how I'm ever gonna love you more
But I've said that before
My greatest hope is that 50 years from now, you are still the person standing beside me. What more can I ask for from life than the blessing of getting to share it all with you?
Happy 7th Anniversary you two! We love you! Crimeny, that just made me cry at my desk!
Ahhhh! What a great post Kristen!!! We must be the same age, because dh and I were married 7 years ago when I was 23.
Happy 7th Anniversary!!! What a beautiful family you have!
Beautiful post Kristen. Happy anniversary - I can't believe it's been seven years!
Awww, sweet!!! Happy Anniversary to a fantastic couple!!!!!
What a great post! Happy 7th anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! What a beautiful post, Kristen! Tom and I were married as soon as I was done with college too and I absolutely love that the we "grew up together" in a way. You have a beautiful family!
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